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About Scorpion SAS-TEC SC-1/07 Hip Armor

Scorpion SAS-TEC SC-1/07 Hip Armor

  • Viscoelastic memory foam: After an impact or deformation of the foam, the protector will quickly revert to its original shape
  • Multiple Impact Compliance: Even if the same area of the protector receives repeated impacts, the protector maintains if fully functional capability
  • Adaptive absorption: The air within the cells of the protector allow progressive absorption of energy as the material becomes more firm as it compresses
  • Climate stability: Sas Tec Visoelastic foam does not break down under high temperatures and can withstand up to 212 degrees Farenheit
  • Environmentally conscience: Partially made of recyclable materials
  • NOTE: Each Part Number is ONE PAIR of the armor listed. Certain armor items double for multiple abrasion zones (i. e. elbow, knee - means that armor works for both elbows and knees).
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